Right now I’m going through all my belongings, and working out if they have a place in my life. It’s tough, looking at all the things that have kept me rooted, that made my flat my home, and then deciding “No, Wii Fit board, there is no room for you in my hypothetical next flat.” It’s hard work curating the first impression I’ll make on my new flatmate. The Xbox 360 is staying with me, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, is not.
And the books. So many books. Including one book called ‘So Many Books’. There’s no logic to what stays or goes, other than instinct. Some books that I’ve read are staying, even if I’m unlikely to read them again. Others I haven’t read are going home, not to never be opened again, but to be revisited later, when I’m ready. This same applies to the reverse situation.
It wasn’t long before I realised that two ,small, Tesco Bags for Life were not going to cut it. That barely even covers the books, video games and DVDs. If I’m really going to make a clean break out of here, I’m going to need something bigger.

I filled one of these with books, board games, and video games. The next would consist over the various music tech stuff I’ve acquired over the years, as well as games consoles, and anything else that can’t be easily moved. Or easily moved without making me look like a mental person to a future flatmate. Obviously my Lego Black Pearl and Wolverine/Deadpool/Magneto/Helicopter set are staying. But a half built guitar, golf clubs and a desktop mixing board/soundcard can go home.
Thanks to an oath made half in jest when we bought our big telly, ownership of it has now passed to me, so the smaller bedroom TV that also belongs to me is no longer needed. That’s on it’s way back to Nottinghamshire too. And there’s one last thing that’s making it’s way across the Pennine’s. Something that at one point was all I ever wanted. But that’s a different story entirely, and one that you’ve all heard before.